Monday 3 June 2013

Making PowerPoint Slides

Tips to be Covered
OutlinesSlide StructureFontsColour BackgroundGraphsSpelling and GrammarCiting SourcesConclusionsQuestions

Slide Structure – Good
Use 1-2 slides per minute of your presentation
Write in point form, not complete sentences
Include 4-5 points per slide
Avoid wordiness: use key words and phrases only

Slide Structure - Bad
Do not use distracting animation
Do not go overboard with the animation
Be consistent with the animation that you use

Fonts - Good
Use at least an 18-point font
Use different size fonts for main points and secondary points
this font is 24-point, the main point font is 28-point, and the title font is 36-point
Use a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial

Graphs - Good
Use graphs rather than just charts and words
Data in graphs is easier to comprehend & retain than is raw data
Trends are easier to visualize in graph form
Always title your graphs

End your presentation with a simple question slide to
Invite your audience to ask questions
Provide a visual aid during question period
Avoid ending a presentation abruptly

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